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With Sienkiewicz to Europe

Project description:


of the project "With Sienkiewicz to Europe", which was written by two teachers from our school and is being implemented as part of the Foreign Educational Mobility of Students and School Education Staff project co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund+ within the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 Programme, implemented under the Erasmus+ Programme. The project is implemented from 31.12.2023 to 29.06.2025 and includes the following activities:

  1. multifaceted preparatory activities before mobilities (language, cultural, organizational, and methodological preparation),
  2. participation of four teachers from our school in methodological-language courses and participation of seven teachers in language courses,
  3. establishment of contacts to build partnerships for the implementation of subsequent European projects,
  4. commencement of work on a minimum of 3 projects through eTwinning,
  5. commencement of work on a minimum of 1 FERS youth exchange,
  6. introduction of PBL as a permanent element of work methods in the school,
  7. introduction of CLIL in Mathematics, Computer Science, Geography, and Physical Education classes,
  8. internal and external training to disseminate knowledge and skills in newly acquired teaching methods and the Era program (open lessons, training, workshops),
  9. promotion of project results in our environment.

Thanks to the implementation of the project "With Sienkiewicz to Europe!":

Our institution will gain the first experience in managing a European project.

Our school will gain recognition in the local community as a modern, European institution, open to the world and multiculturalism, providing students and teachers with development opportunities.

Implementation of the project

Durnig summer holidays when our students rest after the whole year two of our teachers Ms Justyna Piątek and Mrs Daniel Podkowicz are developing their foreign language skills in Malta and Germany and two others - Ms Renata Zajedel and Ms Małgorzata Krajewska-Rigall are in Cyprus on methodology course: "English and Project Based Learning". All of the courses are realised as a part of project " With Sienkiewicz to Europe" finansing by FRSE.

Zapraszamy osoby indywidualne, kluby sportowe oraz firmy do wynajmu pomieszczeń:

  • sali gimnastycznej na cele rekreacyjno-sportowe,
  • pomieszczeń dydaktycznych na cele szkoleniowe,
  • kuchni i stołówki - organizacja uroczystości komunijnych i innych.

informacje szczegółowe: (59) 847 10 50

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